client respect

Getting Clients Who Allow You To Lead

September 12, 20243 min read

There’s a major mindset difference between clients who allow you to lead and those who question every step you take or require chasing.

And it’s not their sense of responsibility as adults, level of commitment or ability to pay.

It is their trust and confidence in your expertise and themselves. Like any relationship, you have to establish and maintain trust before and throughout your working relationship.

*Clients who allow you to lead are confident that they have what it takes to get results.

Whether it is the knowledge, skills, abilities, time, resources, etc. they trust that you, as the expert, either equip them with these things or will tell them that they need these things…so you can both thrive with ease as you work together.

This leads us into the next thing that wrecks clients' trust in you and themselves faster than you can say "Silly Sally!"?

*Clients who do the work and show up on time are confident in your ability to lead them safely to results.

Clients question your ability to lead them when you seem unprepared or leave them guessing. When you don't keep your word. When you make them feel like they are always caught with their pants down because didn't tell or give them what they need to be prepared at the right time.

The more those questions and distrust arise, the more they feel unsafe.

*And the more they feel unsafe with your leadership and their ability to follow your lead....the less likely they are to do what you ask or follow you lead.

Psychologists tell you that people who feel unsafe are more likely to flight (disappear), freeze (procrastinate), fawn (people-please but be mentally resistant), fight (question you) or flop (check out).

Sounds like some of the responses you see with clients?

Here are three things you can do to your fulfillment process to proactively foster and maintain client trust.

*Just implementing one of these things will drastically increase your business efficiency and ability to take your business to the next level with less of you in it.

🔐1. Work with clients who have or have access to all the things you and they need to work together successfully. If they are things they need as you work together, don't wait until the last minute to tell them.

🔐2. Craft an engaging journey to client results that boost your clients’ confidence in your expertise and their ability to get results. Model Netflix and Duolingo addictive binging and learning process models. Set clear steps you and your clients need to do to get from their starting point to results. Then set realistic timelines and highlight key celebratory milestones to keep them going.

🔐3. Set and maintain better service level agreements (aka business boundaries). Showcase your expertise and leadership by having game plans to address common client situations that could arise as you work together. Set agreements with your clients.

Not only that, be the leader who holds clients to the consequence (rewards or penalties) of those agreements, as the need arise.

You want to be clear about this before and as you work together. Client trust has to be built and maintained. Trust has to be built and maintained as you work together.

If you need better fulfillment processes so you get structured and have clients who let you lead, that’s what we take care of in our Private VIP Intensives. You can check out the details here.

Book a call to talk about how we can help you streamline client fulfilment so you can finally deliver your services with less work and stop being the bottleneck in your business.

Be amazing,

Danielle & Chanel

As a 2x burnout survivor & former people-pleaser, I am a speaker, author & passionate advocate for serving others while honoring yourself and God. I help business owners run profitable, impactful businesses & maintain client relationships without sacrificing personal boundaries or quality of life. On a regular day, you’ll find me traveling, belting out random songs, smiling contagiously, or lifting others up.

Chanel Robe

As a 2x burnout survivor & former people-pleaser, I am a speaker, author & passionate advocate for serving others while honoring yourself and God. I help business owners run profitable, impactful businesses & maintain client relationships without sacrificing personal boundaries or quality of life. On a regular day, you’ll find me traveling, belting out random songs, smiling contagiously, or lifting others up.

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