avoid seller's remorse

How to Avoid Seller's Remorse

July 04, 20244 min read

How to Avoid Seller's Remorse

You think adding more features (or bonuses) to your offer will increase your potential clients' perceived value so you load up your offer trying to stand out from your competitors as a better investment.

But all it really does is complicate and extend delivery. And complicated delivery means it's just harder and more time consuming for you, and your client, to get the result they're buying - even with DFY.

Not only do they feel buyer's remorse, you feel seller's remorse!

avoid seller's remorse

A key piece of your next client saying yes is their BELIEF they can get the dream result your offer promises. That it won't be too "hard" or time consuming for THEM.

A truly valuable offer gets the best outcome, in the least amount if time, with the least complicated path to results (effort).

It has little to do with price tag - value is a perception - your client's, not yours. (high ticket offers are still selling wel, proving price is not the #1 consideration!)

Instead, it's about the results. The ROI. The return they specifically want.

Buyers come into your offer with an imagined picture in their head of what the results will get them - the ""what's in it for me".

Often, that image is about what it will feel like, and what they'll do, with more time and more peace, even more than it's about more money (not that money doesn't play a part - it just can't be at the expense of their time!)

After all, why pay the premium price for DFY if it's not going to save your client time???

Seriously. Look at all the people on your timeline who are telling you, bluntly, what they really want right now is more time, less stress, more peace.

Because time and peace are what most buyers want most right now. They are done with hustling! And that's why they are only looking at offers that help them reclaim it.

  • They buy your dfy content creation/copywriting because they think it give them back precious time to use elsewhere.

  • When it brings a higher volume of clients through the door than they are getting on their own now. - all the better. But the first goal is to reclaim time. If it was just about better messaging, they'd learn how to do it themselves.

  • If they can afford your DFY service they are likely already signing clients without you, and now they want that process to be easier for them.

  • They buy your website creation and SEO optimisation because it will reduce the amount of time and energy they need to spend on time consuming organic marketing on socials, or reducing time spent on sales calls - without reducing the amount of leads and sales coming in.

  • They buy your ad management because they want the omnipresence - without the time and energy of personally being everywhere all the time.

It's about time.

And it's about peace.

So adding more stuff to your offer is a turn off because it increases their perception of how much time and effort it's going to take to get the result they envisioned.

More stuff makes it look like it's more work to get the result. They see a longer, complicated path to the results and it reduces their belief in how achievable their dream outcome is. Because part of the dream is having more TIME and less of their own effort.

They look at their schedule and go: "aw hell no, I don't have time for that, I'm too busy as it is."

Shedding the extra weight, that is only complicating how easy it is to get results with your offer, is one of the core outcomes of working with us.

We are a bit ruthless in holding each step of your delivery process accountable for a specific outcome. If it's fluff - it goes in the trash.

If a call can be replaced by a document or a video, we recommend it.

If a manual step can be replaced by an automation, we recommend it.

We also develop milestones in your path to results. Think of those like road signs that tell you how close you are to your destination.

What that combination does is give you, and your client, absolute clarity about why each step is necessary, increasing their buy-in to the process - and their buy-in is how you move "accountability" for their contributions back to them, so you can stop chasing.

And, ultimately, all of that also helps YOU reclaim time and energy.

Because as our client, we know that what YOU really want is more time and peace too.🤘🏼

As a 2x burnout survivor & recovering people-pleaser, I am a speaker, author & passionate advocate for changing the work-life balance paradigm. I help business owners design profitable, impactful businesses & develop epic client relationships without sacrificing personal boundaries or quality of life. My specialties are building strong engaged teams and client-centric selling.  When I'm not helping clients, I'm singing, working on my homestead, or cuddling up with a coffee and my two German shepherds on the couch in front of a fire!

Danielle Wilson

As a 2x burnout survivor & recovering people-pleaser, I am a speaker, author & passionate advocate for changing the work-life balance paradigm. I help business owners design profitable, impactful businesses & develop epic client relationships without sacrificing personal boundaries or quality of life. My specialties are building strong engaged teams and client-centric selling. When I'm not helping clients, I'm singing, working on my homestead, or cuddling up with a coffee and my two German shepherds on the couch in front of a fire!

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